Bohm Dialogues
Mon, 17 Oct
|Zoom meeting
Bohm dialogues are a space for open and exploratory discussions, with no fixed agenda. We focus on listening to others, and becoming aware of patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviour in our selves and the group.

Time & Location
17 Oct 2022, 18:00 – 21:00 BST
Zoom meeting
About the Event
How to attend?
Email: info@wisdomcollective.co.uk
We meet on the third Monday of the month.
What are dialogues?
Bohm dialogues involve a ‘free flow of meaning’ between participants, and are co-facilitated by all those involved. Participants are encouraged to suspend their judgement of themselves and others, and pay attention to how they feel, allowing participants to become less invested in their views, and more able to consider a range of reasons. This distinguishes Bohm Dialogues from discussions or debates where people try to ‘win’ an argument.
Bohm Dialogues involve a fluid process of thought, learning and awareness with no specific outcome, where the process of revealing tacit thought and creating a shared consciousness is more important than the group coming to a single conclusion. We encourage those interested to attend regularly, as the quality of dialogues improve as trust is built among the group, and participants become more skilled at suspending judgement and attending to their feelings. Please get in touch if you’re interested and/or have any questions.
Additional Background
Bohm was concerned about the way humans were talking to each other – issues about politics, the environment, religion and philosophy were more divisive than ever, and discussions about important issues caused us to be defensive and aggressive. He died in 1993, and things have arguably gotten a lot worse since then, with our world becoming more and more polarised, and with an apparent decrease in empathy and compassion for others.Bohm was a physicist who also worked closely with educator Jiddhu Krishnamurti. Bohm’s research in physics led him to the conclusion that the universe was not separated into many smaller parts, but that everything existed as one. Humans are thus also a part of this unified existence, but we make mistakes in our thinking when we consider ourselves as separate from others.
Bohm talked about something called tacit knowledge – knowledge/thought that underlies what we think about the world, how we identify politically, and how we relate to each other. The problem is we’re not aware of this – we typically assume unquestioningly that our thoughts represent reality. This makes us ‘stuck’ and unwilling to truly listen to others.
As a result, Bohm developed this dialogue model that is designed to help us listen to each other better by stepping back and detaching ourselves from this tacit level of thought to open up our perspectives to other people in a powerful, transformative and revolutionary way.